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Call: (507) 282-5309



Periodontics Treatment and Prevention

35+ Years of Dental Experience | Emergency Services | Works With Insurance

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Dr. Haugen Perio Simplified

Regretfully – the jaw bone component of periodontal disease is a major portion of the entire disease. These comments here pertain to such.  This process is discussed in more detail below and in other sections of this website. To summarize – once you have been diagnosed with this long-term ( chronic ) disease – you will always have that diagnosis. 

At Zumbro View Dental, our first goal is to arrest the active disease process and get you stable and into ‘remission’.   We have multiple staged strategies to accomplish just that within our office as a general dental office and potentially working with a specialty practice as well. Once we get you into remission our goal is to help you keep the disease in remission as long as possible. In the end – you will need to provide a very thorough cleaning of your teeth and ‘gums’ multiple times a day to hold your health and stay in remission.

The term "periodontal" means "around the tooth." Therefore, periodontal disease affects the gums and bones supporting the teeth. Gum, or periodontal, disease can cause inflammation, tooth loss, and bone damage. The infection starts when the gums become inflamed due to bacteria in plaque, a sticky, colorless film that forms on your teeth. While this is often the main cause of periodontal disease, other factors can also be attributed to affecting the health of the gums and bone, including:

  • Smoking or Tobacco Use
  • Stress
  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy
  • Medications
  • Diabetes
  • Poor nutrition

Our office is pleased to offer you state of the art periodontal supportive care. Here is an excellent summary of the medical conditions we know are linked to oral health unhealthy 'gum'/jaw bone problems.


Click to Learn More

Periodontal disease comes in many forms. Gingivitis is perhaps the mildest form of gum disease. While the gums become red, swollen, and bleed easily, there is very little to no discomfort associated at this stage of the disease. Through a good oral hygiene regimen and treatment from your dentist, the results of gingivitis can be reversed.

Periodontitis is another form of periodontal disease and can be aggressive or chronic. Aggressive periodontitis displays rapid bone destruction and attachment loss in clinically healthy patients. Chronic periodontitis is one of the most common forms of periodontal disease and is frequently seen in adults. The stages progress slowly and can be recognized by gum recession and pocket formation.

Treatment & Prevention

In certain cases, periodontal surgery may be recommended to treat periodontal disease when non-surgical treatment is ineffective. We may advise procedures such as pocket reduction, soft tissue grafts, or bone regeneration to treat periodontal disease. If a tooth has been lost due to periodontal disease, dental implants are always an option for permanent tooth replacement.

Good oral hygiene and regular visits with your dentist and periodontist can usually prevent periodontal disease. If diagnosed, effective home care and professional care are usually quite effective in controlling this disease. Like diabetes and asthma, it will take usually small steps and a lifetime of commitment to home and professional care. However, most patients keep most teeth for a lifetime with comfortable results. Daily brushing and flossing can keep plaque to a minimum and, in conjunction with professional cleanings 2-4 times a year, can keep your teeth healthy for life.

Call Today to Book an Appointment

Emergency services available

(507) 282-5309

(507) 282-5309

"Excellent care as always. The office was running on time and took the time to explain my dental condition and how I can make some small changes at home to improve my health."

- Todd Sands, Google Reviews

Our office is excited bringing "Gum/Butler" product information and aides for your best home care effectiveness! Here is a link to aide you identifying what products you prefer. Please contact them directly for such on-line order. Contact information at bottom
of flier once you click and review.

Interproximal Guide

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Please click here to order your preventive products

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